Training an athlete takes not just the coach, it takes time, support and dedication to that athlete. Every skater has different goals for their skating, every family has different goals for their skater, but together we can do our best to help your athlete reach for the stars!
Please read through this section to learn how we can best help your athlete!

Competitions can seem like a very overwhelming part of skating, but once you start to understand all the elements of competing, things will start to get a little easier! I promise!
From Star 1 through Competitive skating, you will find helpful information in this section to help you understand judging, requirements and useful documents to help make the process easier.

Skate Canada is always making changes to the their system, and it requires everyone to stay on their toes.
From Star 1 through to the Gold test levels, you will find information here that will explain the tests, the testing process and test days. You will also find information on what your skater needs to pass to change levels.